A week of trying to train in the snow!!

23 December 2009

Well it has bee a funny sort of week with the UK locked in a scary thing called winter....

All the roads around us are covered in packed ice (no one is gritting them...) and this has limited training....basically at the moment all cycling is being done in the garage on the turbo and running is challenging (trying to grab a quick run when the roads thaw around midday)...swimming and gym sessions are almost unnaffected (well unless the 20mins it took for me to defrost the car and the 25mins it took to drive there this morning counted! It was -10 degrees this morning!!)

Anyway today's session was in the gym, looking at the reps I seem to be improving!

Warmup OK 10mins easy on the bike
Scissors 2x20 per leg
Dips to fatigue 33x/22x
Lunges (with 15kg barbell) 2x30 per leg
Alt Lunges (with 10kg barbel - by the end I was almost in tears!) 2x30 per leg
L/Fr/R Planks - 3x30s on each

Squats 30x2 (with 20kg barbell)

Press ups - 28 Narrow/20 Wide
Cool Down 10mins at 140-145bpm on bike

Good set - meant to be doing a 30min recovery run at lunchtime but ice and work (my annual appraisal) might mean this becomes a 30min ses on the turbo instead!!


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