The swim - a nice gentle recovery after last night:
400m f/c (with fins)
100m kick (with fins)
400m f/c (with fins)
100m kick (with fins)
400m f/c
50m c/d
The run - I fitted this between work and conference calls at lunch today. A three lap route of just over 5km, I decided to do three laps rather than a long out and back as I want to build the mental side of it up (i.e. the course at Wimbleball is lap based and there is nothing more demoralising than being very tired and seeing the finish several times!!).

On the effort side it was a nice easy RPE2-3 for 75mins and then RPE5 to the finish. it took 1hr 33mins for 15.49km. No negative split today I started on lap 1 at 29min 40s and went progressively downwards with 31min 31s and 31min 17s to finish. Doing two 10%(ish) hills twice per lap was not fun though!!
Other stuff - I final decided which new wheels to buy for my bike - so I am now waiting for a pair of shiny new SRAM S60s (handmade by ZIPP for SRAM) - can't wait!!
Rest day tomorrow :-)
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