Welcome to my new page

2 July 2009

Well the old page address seemed a bit out of date and because I refuse to pay PlusNet 190GBP for a new domain name I had to rebuild my website - so I hope you like it. All old posts have survived and archived on this webpage...

Well...the dust has settled from Wimbleball...

I survived (just about) with all my faculties intact (I think!).....

What next....

Well I think I have finally persuaded Lizzie that doing a full IM is not going to take me away from the kids and her too much....well I have just started the process to leave the reserve forces something that has occupied a significant amount of my time for nearly seventeen years...so more time for the family and a few mornings freed up to train!

So the IM adventure begins....well it will when I am a little closer to it timewise....this year I am going to do a couple of olympic races (1500m swim/40km bike/10km run) to finish off and possibly a couple of 3.8km swims too....

Now to find a training programme or coach or possibly both!

Best wishes to you all!

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