Thursday - my first double session of the new training regime!

5 November 2009

Well today was a swim and a repeat of the Cooper Test...

400m. (3 lengths front 1 length back repeat x 4)
5 x 100m (1L catch-up, 1L single arm, 1L single arm, 1L count strokes)
6 x 100m @ RPE 12-14, maintain stroke count off 2:00mins.
1 x 100 (1L count strokes, 1L catch up, 1 1/2 lengths finger trail into normal swimming for remaining 1/2 length)

2 x 200 @ (1L easy long stroke "best stroke count", 1L strong effort "maintain stroke count" repeat for 200m)
200m c/d.
TOTAL 2.2km

Focusing on executing the drills as well as possible.

The set went really well but was hard on the deltoids....on the long count lengths I maintained about 16 strokes - when I up'd the speed I kept to 16-18 for an extended period but on the last 200m set I found that the hard lengths I was doing 16-18 but on the long counting lengths I was doing 18-20strokes - I think I pushed too hard on the hard ones!

For all of the 100m set I maintained 18strokes/length.

Quite tired at the end. Had a 750ml High5 4:1 drink to recover - needed it!

The Cooper Run test was the same route as yesterday...but....Oh my God that was hard after yesterday and the swim this morning!

I felt the max effort went better even if I did slightly less on the distance (2.11km - still average...) - it felt more in control (probably getting my running head back on!) - by the time I got back the legs were v tired - glad I had my 2XU compression tights on (FYI I tend to use these on running training since my decompression surgery as it reduces muscle vibration quite a lot).

REST DAY TOMORROW :-)))) (and I am only on week 1.....)

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