Thursday evening swim

15 May 2009

Well despite it being a recovery week I did the evening session - yet another killer hour, 2300m....

2x (100m f/s, 50m b/s)
2x (100m f/s, 50m brst)
4x 50m (1 left arm lead, 1 right arm lead, 2 with board)
200m max effort RPE9-10(going on 2min 35sec)
2x50m recovery swim, steady on 1min 10s
4x100m max effort RPE9-10(going on 1min 15s)
2x50m recovery swim
6x50m max effort RPE9-10(in 35sec going on 45sec)
2x50m recovery swim
3x50m max effort RPE9-10(in 35sec going on 45sec)
100m b/s
50m own choice (25m fly/25m f/s)

Hard work and certainly a lactate tolerance session....oh well recovery spin today

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