Sponsorship now online!!!

1 February 2010

Well I have gone and done it - the justgiving.com widget is back! I have finally got round to setting up a sponsorship page on just giving.com. to save you having to read throuhg all the stuff on the page I have included a short summary of the charity I am racing for this year:

Children's Hospice South West and their Precious Lives Appeal (Charity No. 1003314).
The Children's Hospice South West is a charity founded in 1991 to care for children who have illnesses which mean they will die before reaching adulthood. They provide expert care for them, their parents and well siblings. In 1995 Little Bridge House, the South West’s first children’s hospice opened its doors to families from across the South West. Little Bridge House very quickly became oversubscribed, which led to the opening of the charity’s second hospice Charlton Farm located just outside Bristol, in 2007. They are now in the process of raising funds through our Precious Lives Appeal to build our third hospice, in Cornwall, it will be called Little Harbour. This will, by common consent, complete a chain of children’s hospices covering Cornwall, Plymouth, Torbay, Devon, Somerset, North Somerset, Bristol, Bath & North East Somerset and South Gloucestershire.

The Precious Lives Appeal

This appeal was set up to build Little Harbour which will be the third hospice. It was granted planning permission in March 2009, with completion planned for the end 2011. It will be built on the outskirts of St Austell and will provide a home from home closer to home for the children of Cornwall and Plymouth, enabling the charity to provide more care and support to the families who need it. Like the other hospices, Little Harbour will offer a range of services such as 24 hour palliative care and end of life care, support for parents and well brothers and sisters, as well as help, advice and support in bereavement and beyond. Little Harbour will cost over £5 million to build, it is hoped that with people's generosity it will become a reality and we will be able to welcome families in 2011.

To donate please go to http://www.justgiving.com/Iaindoesanironman


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