Turbo brick time - weather was average, roads a bit damp so I opted for the safety of the turbo with my Isaac road frame (hereafter known as the protosonic). SRAM Force takes a bit of getting used to and the front derailieur is not to happy to change on the turbo....but I did the 20km Highworth tri route and finished the 3rd series of 24.
Off the bike and our for a circular 5km brick run, felt quite good but it has been a while and now the legs are a little sore!
First chance to really play on the Isaac Joule-Aerotic - OMFG - what a bike!
Soooo fast and stable at speed - no judder or twitchiness as you push past 40kph - amazing and a really comfy ride too! Despite having an 11-23 chainset (I am used to 12-27) I managed to make it around a 39.29km route in 1:25:24 - not the fastest but it is pretty hilly with a couple of 12% hills and fairly undulating - buy I managed to exceed 40% >25kph and 28% >32kph - maxing at over 48kph (I reckon the GPS flattened this out as I managed to get the 40mph sign to swich on in Tetbury :-)) )
I would love to change the cockpit in the future but at the moment the one I have is fine - just need to dial in the positiona a bit more....
Recovery swim - stiff legs from yesterday and needed just to do some no clock recovery
300m w/u fins
200m fins kick
200m (25m fists/25m catch up) fins
200m cath/pull focus
100m b/s
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