Wow it has been sometime!

12 August 2009

Nearly three weeks since I last posted - work has just been uber insane!!

The Hayle Tri went okay - I came in at 2:51 not a great time but I was pretty happy as the weather was shocking - a SW gale and horizontal rain! My first salt-water swim (albeit in a closed in harbour) experience and the taste is horrible when racing....much prefer lakes! I did a fairly respectable time coming in with the top swimmers before doing my usual thing of loosing it on the bike.....there is a lesson to be learnt there! One kind of fun thing to note is that I met a chap called Sascha in transition who actually only lives about 5mins from me but most interestingly he came in about 35places ahead of me and only overtook me on the second half of the run - so maybe I should focus on the run not the bike....hmmm....

Anyway since then I have been busy with work and looking after Anja - school is out at the moment and it is a constant battle of trying to get parents/holiday club to cover her time off...

On the plus side she has now done her 50m swimming badge and really wants to take part in IRONKIDS (tadpoles class 50m swim /300m run) at the IM CH next year - soon we will have a family of triathletes!!

Apart from that I have had an Ebay frenzy recently buying ans Isaac Joule-Aerotic fram and the prototype for their Sonic frame - both have been built up by Jason@The Big Adventure Store and I look forward to seeing them soon!! (probably tomorrow) When I have both of them home I will have to Ebay my old red Trek Equinox and the Specialized Allez - a job I am not entirely looking forward to as it is something I have never done before....should be fun...

Anyway training...I have done lots on the Turbo recently as the weather has been shocking - yesterday I did a 40km TT over rolling hills and that took 1:10 dead...the legs still hurt today - I think I need to do more of that over winter but extend the length...

Also I have the IMCH route GPS on there and that looks good!

This morning I went swimming (partly to wake myself up - too much wine with Lizzie last night!) and covered

200m w/u
200m kick (drils)
200m pull (drills)
200m drill
200m paddles
4x100m build RPE 4-9 (1:15-1:20) go on 2:00
100m RPE 9 1:18
100m c/d (50m b/s, 50m f/s)

Must go now have to get Jules from nursery - need to try and update this more often...


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