Rest day :-)

4 March 2010

Argh! This is try two to write this - I had almost finished but my iPhone didnot save it :-(


Today is a rest recovery day, it was due to be a swim/recovery run set but work has me going to Leeds today (I am writing this on my iPhone on the train - who says they are no good for writing!) so the swim/run will be tomorrow instead.

Yesterday was hard - I am almost back to full fitness after my bug (say 90% of the way there!) so I still did about 80% of the planned set. The set I did was a 45min tempo run (20 mins warm up/drills follows by blocks of 70/80% effort) then about 3hrs layer a gym set (bike, scissors, dips, lunges, alt lunges, planks, squats, pressups) focussing on slow down fast up - really hard! I missed the last 20min effort on the bike as I was wasted!!

On a different note I had a look on the web for info around numb toes during running. I have been starting to develop numbness after about 30mins running - I don't get it with my old Brooks shoes but I do with my Newtons :-(

Anyway, the opinions of Runners World (there are six forum pages on this!) are that it could be compartment syndrome - unlikely, I have had this before and it feels a bit different - but it is more likely to be tightness in the calves (which I defn have today!) or nerve trapping in and around the metatarsels/Morton's Neuroma- I am going to try much more stretching tomorrow before running and see if that works....fingers crossed!

Oh and a big Thankyou to the Gilsons for my latest donation - much appreciated!! Please take time to have a look at my justgiving page (click on the link to the left) and sponsor me!!


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