This morning's swim set

28 April 2010

Felt like swimming in treacle this morning :-( also had to drop the last 400 and 200 plus 50m of the CD as the WaterBabies class wanted to get into the pool!

I found on the 200 and 400 effort I was increasing speed stroke as I upped the pace and this made it harder so on the 600 I tried to push the end of the stroke and lengthen it too. So in summary:

WU: 800m swim (as 200 stroke, 200 pull, 200 stroke, 200 pull)
DR1: 3 x 100m (1L fists, 2L supermans, 1/2L finger trail INTO 1/2L normal stroke)
DR2: 3 X 100m (1L thigh touch, 1L Side Kick and 6 Count Switch, 2L paddles)
MS: 200, 400, 600  @ race pace. RPE 14
2L very easy swim in b/t sets
CD: 50m
Just have to try and fit in a quick spin on the TT bike now as still no running!

Another hard turbo set today

27 April 2010

Found this one quite hard today but I am getting more comfy in the aero position :-)

WU: 7minutes @ 70% HRmax
INTO 3 X 30 seocnds spin ups (RPE 13-14) RPM 100+ with equal recovery in b/t
MS: 3 x 20mins @ 80% HRmax perform each 20mins in 4 x 5min blocks, 90RPM, 95RPM, 100RPM, 105RPM
2minutes easy spin in b/t 20min reps <65% HRmax
CD: 4min easy cool down.

I tried to fit my aero bottle to my bars today - doesn't fit very well - might be going down the speedfill route after all.....however I did try attaching a bridge to fit my Garmin 310XT to the bars - this worked well but I took it off to refit a bit lower as my hands kept catching the zipties..I will upload piccies when I have fitted it....


OMG less than 90 days to go....

26 April 2010

Er that means less than three months =O

Anyway enough worrying...

Two sessions today - an early swim and a late gym set (squeezed in before picking the girls up)

So the swim:
WU: 500m choice (100m stroke/100m pul lx2 +100m stroke)
DR: 5 x 100m (1L catch-up, 2L single arm, 1L finger trail)
MS: 12 x 100, (bilateral breathing) off 2:00mins. RPE 14
6 x 75m (bilateral breathing) off 1:30min. RPE 15
6 x 50m breathing every 5 strokes off 1:00min. RPE 16
CD: 200m choice

TOTAL = 2.95km

Great session but why did the pool have to be 31.6 degrees????? I was melting and it really saps the strength. HR at the end of the 50m efforts = 156 :-))

and the evening gym set:

Managed to squeeze this in - had to cut it a little tho - work overran!

5mins on bike
Dips (10/20)
Lunges (15x2/30x2) +25kg
Planks L/F/R (30s/45s)
Squats (20/45) +35kg
Press ups (10/20)

All slow down/explosive up - stretch off and run to pick up the kids!!

Ah the hectic scheduling of IM training!

Apart from that it has been busy - yesterday was a 3hr (72km) bike and Saturday was a 20min OW swim at Lake 32 - v cold - and a 40min turbo....still no running due to the Achilles tendonitis...lots of ice/ultrasound....


Just a quick turbo today

16 April 2010

A nice simple turbo today, nothing too challenging - very pleased to report that it seemed to be easier to keep HR/RPM on the right level today - not sure why....

Anyway it consisted of:
WU: 7minutes @ 70% HRmax
INTO 3 X 30 seocnds spin ups (RPE 13-14) RPM 100+ with equal recovery in b/t
MS: 3 x 10mins @ 75, 80, 80% HRmax perform each 10mins in 2 x 5min blocks, 95RPM and 105RPM
2minutes easy spin in b/t 20min reps <65% HRmax
CD: 4min easy cool down.


Training over the past 28 days!

I have now updated my training log for Mike to review before the next build block is planned and I was amazed by my totals for the past 28days:

Bike: 28hrs - 466km
Swim: 8hrs - 21.8km
Run: 8hrs - 80km
Gym: 2hrs

So in total I have spent 46hrs training over the past month - least it shows with the increase in VO2max from 37.9 to 45.1ml/kg/min :-)

Rest week this week - limited training but I have a 1hr run and a 2hr bike planned for the weekend - if it is nice the TT bike will be out!


I had forgotten....

15 April 2010 strange/terrifyung it is to go from road to tri bikes!

Just back from a quick 10km spin on the Aerotic - its first outing (from the i-magic) of the season! I had forgotten how low the front is compared to my roadie (with tribars) amd how wobbly the front end is (is that the famed responsiveness ;) ) and cars....OMG you just don't hear them coming (well apart from the rather nice Bently Conti that went past :shock: )

I think I need to use the tribke more and the road bike less!


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