Wow - February already....

4 February 2013

It is amazing to think it is Feb already and this is the first post since Oct...

It has been a busy few months - I spent some time falling out of love with training and working on triathlon fitness after IM 70.3 Ireland and after nearly a week off work with a horrible GI bug I feel I need to draw a line in the sand and get fitter again.

So what has ahappened since October? Well I finished off a marathon travel year flying just over 250,000 miles in one calender year (I hope I don't repeat that it was a killer), and put on 10kgs over my race weight in Ireland...not good. I did start the year intending to do something about that (more training, less bad food, less wine) but that seemed to fall flat on its face out of the starting blocks, so I am starting February as I intend to continue - with an aim - I want to compete in more than one 70.3 this year :-)

Last year was a terrible year for racing - I manage one OW swim and one 70.3 - failing to compete in my other OW swims and triathlons through a mix of bad weather (most River Thames races were affected last year due to the speed of the current), illness and injury. This year I hope to compete in a couple of 70.3s - one I hope will be the Monster 70.3 which is based around Ely (relatively flast and fast (if it isn't windy)) and the other may be Marshman in late May - again quite fast and flat but it was seriously windy there when I raced it a couple of years ago...

Lets see what the months bring....

On the kit side of things I am now looking for a new wetsuit as my Alpha needs to retire after seving me well from 2009-2012 (too many holes reparied with Black Witch adhesive), so a Huub looks like a good option. Also I have been playing with a CycleOps Powercal - an interesting development of the HR monitor - it looks like a standard Garmin HR dongle but it has a rather cool algorithm which derives a "calculated power output" from the speed and rate of change of HR and outputs both HR and Power. I was highly sceptical but I got it on a deal for about £20 more than a replacement HR monitor and after playing with it for a month I am fairly amazed by it. It is rubbish for short sprints (below 30s) but to be honest over 30s it reflects my power output on my turbo (which is calibrated off my VO2max data) pretty accurately. I have taken it on several rides and it gives some fairly interesting data  - it doesn't just reflect HR but goes up and down a bit (it is a 30s smoothed version...) - have a look at the data in the Strava link below:

Anyway first blog for ages so lets leave it there...

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